RTS Overlay
Select build order
Filter by faction and select build order
Select the player faction to filter the build orders.
Select the opponent faction to filter the build orders.
Delete the selected build order from your local storage.
Delete ALL build orders from this game from your local storage.
Export all build orders from this game as JSON files.
Get build order from
Design helper features
Reset the build order on the right panel to a minimal template.
Add one step to the build order.
Format the build order panel on the right to a proper JSON format.
Automatically evaluate the timing of each step.
This will enable the timing feature when clicking on 'Display overlay'.
Note that these timing evalutations are not always perfect and need to be validated.
You can add a timing offset with the widget on the right of this button.
Timing offset (in seconds) to add to all timing evaluations from 'Evaluate time'.
Save build order
Save the build order in the library (local storage).
This build order will be saved using the name defined in the design panel.
Export the content of the right panel in a JSON file (using name below).
To reload the corresponding build order, drag and drop this file on the right panel
(not available by default on all browsers).
Copy the content of the right panel to the clipboard.
Adapt and display overlay
Open a new page and display the full build order in a single panel.
When updating the overlay to a new step, its size will be automatically adjusted
to its content. Its position will be updated to keep one of its top corners at
the same position. Choose 'overlay on the right' to fix the right border position
and place the overlay on the right of your screen while playing. Selecting
'overlay on the left' is ideal to keep the overlay on the left of the screen.
overlay on the left
Font size for the build order panel text.
Sizes of the images in the build order panel.